Kamis, 17 November 2011


Consumer research (Riset Konsumen) developed as an extension of the marketing research field to enable marketers to predict how consumers will react in the market and understand their reasons for the decision to buy. The results of market research and consumer research used to improve managerial decision making.

The researchers first period consumers little thought to influence mood (mood), emotions, or situations of consumer satisfaction. They believe that marketing is only applied economics, and the consumers are rational decision makers, which objectively assess the goods and services available to them and choose only the benefit (satisfaction) the highest with the lowest price.
In 1939, a psychoanalyst from Vienna named Ernest Ditcher started using the technique to reveal the psychoanalyst Freud the hidden motivations of consumers themselves. In the late 1950s, research methodology called motivation research is essentially qualitative approach, widely used by the consumer research. Consumer researchers currently use two kinds of different research methodologies to study consumer behavior research is a quantitative and qualitative research.

Quantitative research is descriptive and used to understand the influence of various input promotion to consumers, allowing marketers to "predict" consumer behavior. This research approach is known as positivism and researchers known as a positivist. Research method used consisted of an experiment, survey techniques, and observation. The results are descriptive, empirical, and if taken at random (by using a probability sample) can be generalized to the larger population.

Qualitative research
Qualitative research methods consisted of in-depth interviews, focus groups, analysis of metaphor, research collage, and projection techniques. This technique is done through analysis of a highly trained interviewers, and tend to be subjective. The results can not be generalized to the broader population because the number of sample slightly. This technique is usually used to obtain new ideas for promotional campaigns.

COMBINING RESULTS qualitative and quantitative research
Some marketers use a combination of quantitative and qualitative research to help assist strategic marketing decisions because of the limited results of qualitative research. Qualitative research is used to find new ideas and to develop a campaign strategy, while the quantitative research results are used to predict consumer reactions to various campaign inputs.
The idea comes from qualitative studies are sometimes tested empirically and the basis for the design of quantitative studies. Result of a merger enables marketers to design marketing strategies more meaningful and more efficient that aims to make a profit or nonprofit. They also provide a stronger basis for public policy decisions.

The main steps in the consumer research process includes:

  1. Determining the research objectives
  2. Collect and evaluate secondary data
  3. Designing a primary research study
  4. Collecting primary data
  5. Analyzing data
  6. Preparing the research report

The first step in the process of consumer research is to determine the precise objectives of the study. It is important for marketing managers and researchers to agree on the initial purpose and objectives of the study to ensure that appropriate research design. Objectives carefully considered to help find the type and quality of information needed.

Secondary data information is any data that was originally produced for specific purposes other than research purposes now. This information includes the results of research based on research conducted outside organizations, the data generated in the previous study, and even customer information collected by the sales or the company's credit.

Approach for each different type of research from the point of data collection methods, sample design, and the kinds of data collection tools used, so that each research approach is discussed separately.

Quantitative research design
The design of quantitative research studies including data collection methods, sample design, and manufacturing data collection tools (eg questionnaires).
  • Data Collection Method

There are three basic ways to collect data:
  1. Observation Research, a consumer research method is important, to gain a deep understanding of the relationship between people and products to their attention during the process of buying and using the product. Observational studies are also widely used to understand the process of purchasing and consumption.
  2. Experimentation, a controlled experiment to ensure that any differences in outcome variables not free (dependent variable) caused by the different treatment of variables under study and not by external factors.
  3. The survey, can be done through several ways including: (a) Survey of individual interviews, (b) the survey by phone, (c) survey in the mail.

  • Data Collection Instrument

Data collection instruments included a questionnaire, a list of questions of personal views, attitudes and scale for qualitative data, guide the discussion. Data collection instruments are usually tested first and the "debugged" to ensure the validity and reliability of research. The study said to have validity if it really appropriate to collect data and required to answer the question or stated goals in the first stage in the research process. The study said if the question has the same reliability, which is expressed to a similar sample, producing the same conclusion.

Qualitative research design
In choosing the appropriate format for research qualitative study, it must consider the purpose of study and type of data required. Research methods used may differ in composition, but all have roots from the psychoanalytic and clinical aspects of psychology, and emphasizes the type of open questions and answers free.
  • Data Collection Method

Choice of data collection techniques for qualitative study included in-depth interviews, focus groups, the projection technique, and metaphor analysis.
  • Determination of Sample

An integrated component in the research design is the determination of the sample plan. The number of samples depends on the size of the budget and desired level of confidence of market participants from research results. The more samples, the more likely the answer will reflect the overall population being studied. If all the research results can be projected to the entire population, then the probability sample should be chosen. However, if it is considered adequate (representative), then the non-probability sample can be selected.

Qualitative studies usually require the social science experts who are trained to collect data. Quantitative studies usually require field staff employed and trained directly by the researchers in conducting interviews in the field. All the questionnaire was completed on a regular basis to review the progress of research studies to ensure that the recorded answers clear, complete, and legible.

In qualitative research, moderators or executing tests typically analyze all the answers received. In quantitative research, the researchers watched the analysis. All the answers to open converted into code and measurable (numeric score), then tabulated and analyzed using a program that connects the data by a variety of selected variables and to group data by selected demographic.

In both qualitative and quantitative research, research report also contains a brief conclusion about the research results. The contents of the report contains a full description of the methodology used, for quantitative research also includes various tables and graphs to support his research results.

In designing a research study, the researchers adjust the research process with the special needs of the research.

Difference between worker and staff

Nama : Anne Karina Sekar
NPM : 10210903

Difference between worker and staff.

The worker is a person who get wages and employee gets salary.

Many times a worker just puts in thier time- while all who work are employees- the managment or higher senority workers- have more responsibilities, leads are employees yet not managment- Money can come into play- as you have already mentioned but a worker is just a warm body while an employee usually enjoys working for a company.

Wheather for a boss- supervisor or board of directors... the worker is more often the labor or real bones of a place of employment-

the word EMPLOYEE discribes ALL who make a living for the place of business-

worker/ and employee can be interchanged in this case...just different words for the same thing.

The staff is a worker who has become a permanent employee at a company and has received regular salary (monthly) and is certain to get life and health insurance benefits.
Criteria for staff are as follows:
1. Those who occupy positions in the Structural Organization of the company.
2. Those who have obligations, responsibilities, and authority against company policy.
3. Those who get a bigger wage than other workers.
4. Those who get more baikdari facilities on other workers.
While the worker is a worker who has not become permanent employees and a worker with the status of day laborers or contract system that still gets paid ordinary daily but also monthly, it depends on the policy of the company. Workers also do not receive benefits such as life and health insurance.
The worker criteria as follows:
1. Having a strong personal initiative.
2. Highly motivated.
3. Oriented activities rather than routine.
4. It has a high responsibility of his job.
5. Synergize with both within the team.

my CV



Data Pribadi
Nama :
Anne Karina Sekar
Tempat & Tanggal Lahir :
Serang, 23 Mei 1992
Agama : Islam
Alamat rumah : Jl.
Temuputih No.102 RT 02/12 Jombang Masjid 42411 Cilegon- Banten.
Nomor telepon :
  085691961968 (mobilephone)
e-mail :
Riwayat Pendidikan
*2010-Sekarang : Universitas Gunadarma, Depok.
2007-2010 : SMAN 1 Cilegon.
2004-2007: SMPN 2 Cilegon
*1998-2004: SDN 1 Cilegon
Keahlian Komputer
* MS Office (MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint).
* Internet
* Membaca
* Internet
* Travelling.


This artikel discuss about Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia (MSDM).
In doing SDM for SDM, there are three separate things that are still connected in the work that needs to be understood as follows:
  1. Strategic SDM
  2. SDM strategy, and
  3. SDM Organization.

Strategic SDM is a process of SDM practices on the relationship of business strategy. Line managers and human resource functions of strategic SDM. Strategic SDM to create a process to move from business strategy to organizational capacity in human resources practices.
Strategy SDM talked about building an agenda on human resource functions. SDM strategy to create a destination and a focus on human resource functions.
SDM organizations are menegenal process and develop an HR function to deliver SDM services. SDMorganizations is the implementation of human resources executives conducted by the SDM Professional.


Corporate managers to use the main strategies in the conduct of strategic human resources, business strategy formulation in running SDM results. Formulation of strategy presents three objectives. Namely:
  1. discuss a strategy guide for the future of the business or in other words a vision, purpose, goal, mission or future review.
  2. formulation of the problem to allocate resources. Companies have the resources, which focuses on a variety of purposes. Since few companies have sufficient resources to work on the stakeholders, where the allocation of resources should be made.
  3. formulating strategies that promise memrefleksikan explain commitments made in the formulation of the strategy discussion.

Strategy formulation process, the executive develop a future vision, allocate resources to realize the vision, and promised to stakeholders to achieve its objectives.

Repeating the formulation without the probability of implementing one of the main goals of the strategic SDM tasks. Strategic SDM is often associated with the business strategy on human resources actions by describing the ability to criticize it takes on a company to be successful.


When human resources strategy to ensure that a company has the resources necessary to complete the company's business objectives, the strategy describes the creation of human resources by the value of human resources functions.

Step 1: describe an organizational architecture
  1. Shared Mindset: the level for the human resource function has a mindset shared or common identity
  2. Competence: the level for the human resource function organized by individuals who have the knowledge, skills, and ability to carry out the work now and the future.
  3. Consequence: which level of management to achieve system used by human resources professionals to focus on results and behavior.
  4. Governance: which level of human resource functions effectively connected, communication, decision making, and policy.
  5. Work Process / Capacity for change: the level to which the function of human resources in training and adjustment, and understanding and improving processes.
  6. Leadership: the level for effective leadership that spreads into other parts of the human resource function.

Step 2: create an assessment process
A diagnosis of human resources audit or assessment suggests to identify the human resource organization.

Step 3: to provide human resource organization
Human resource functions apply to itself the model of human resource practices. When this happens, this practice became the building blocks of human resources related to the organization.

Step 4: priorities are set
Step 4 determines the priority of the organizational diagnosis of attention from human resources on a few critical issues. The function may set priorities for developing human resources practices. The practice is to build the infrastructure of the human resource function effectively and implementastion strategic human resources.